Project Manager: Peter Ring. [email protected]
Remembrance Day 2024 Oration by Gareth McCray OAM
Air Chief Marshal Mark (Binny) Binskin AC : Reflections
Reflections of AVM Glen Braz. AM CSC DSM. Air Commander Australia 2023:
Reflections of Air Marshal Ray Funnell AC. Chief of Air Staff 1987 -92
Henry Young: WW2 Naval Seafire and Sea Fury Pilot. “I’m a fighter pilot. I’m competitive.
Vern Roberts WW 2. Witnessed signing of the Surrender in Morotai
Air Commodore (ret) John Oddie AM, CSC - Operations in War, Border Protection, Peace Keeping, Humanitarian Disaster Relief
Greg Hood, AO. A Wealth of Experience in Aviation and Aviation Accidents
Phil Eldridge From Western Suburbs Boy to F35A Driver and Commanding Officer 2 OCU
Warrant Officer (retired) John McDougall. From Caribous to F111s. A demanding life.
Brian Richards, Wallaby Air Lines Vietnam Veteran
Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld AO DSC Recent Chief of Air Force Reflects
Neil Lindsay, WW 2 Bomber Command and Prisoner of War. 3 Part Series
Ray and Pauline James - A Dynamic Duo
Air Commodore Tim Alsop - Reflections on the Air Combat Group and on Combat Flying in the Air Force
Tim Ireland, Wing Commander. Highlights in the F18A, F35A and Middle East Operations
Brian Lawrence, Warrant Officer. Operational Goals that Needed Courage and Commitment
Introducing John Lindner, A Distinctly Unusual Life as an Air Force and Commercial Transport Pilot.
Kevin Henderson. Air Commodore (ret). one of the RAAF’s most experienced tactical air transport operators.
Raylee Scott AM Warrant Officer - Communication Information Systems - The Hinge Point of our Operational Effectiveness
Suska Denham - The Fascinating Life of a Security Police Officer
Mick Stone's Life of Adventures Operating High Performance Helicopters
Group Captain Jason (Easty) Easthope. Flying Fast Jets Since He Was 19, and still going fast.
Wing Commander (ret) Don Pollock. Tales of Wallaby Airlines, Vietnam
Air Commodore Chris Sawade CSC. A Man Of Many Talents
Air Commodore Chris Beatty DFC AFC - A Notable Flying Career
Group Captain Peter (Spike) Davies CSC. Air Defence Controller. Chief of Staff, Air Combat Group
Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston AK, AFC (Ret’d): Reflections
Air Marshal Geoff Brown AO Reflections. Chief of Air Force July 2011 to July 2015
Air Vice Marshal (ret) Bob Richardson AO AFC. 5000 hours in 25 RAAF, Army and foreign military aircraft.
Listen to the reflections of Air Marshal "Leo" Davies, AO, CSC retired Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force.
AVM DAVE ROGERS AM (Ret). Sabres, Phantoms, F111s, Hornet Project Manager. That's enough for any one person..
Group Captain Terry Wilson, AM AFC. Fighter Pilot, Helicopter Pilot: Keen On All Things Aviation
Warrant Officer Gerry Mapstone OAM. A sometimes dangerous but thrilling life.
Air Commodore Nick Osborne. Is He a Kiwi? Is He an Aussie? Doesn't Matter!
Air Vice Marshal Joe Vinny Iervasi AM CSC. Very Committed to People and Leadership
Air Commodore Ben Sleeman, CSC, DSM. Loved Flying the F18 Hornet
Michael Lee, Avid Military Historian, Anzac Memorial Hyde Park
Ian Woods: “Funny how life turns out. PER ARDUA AD ASTRA.”
Wing Commander (ret) Chris Mirow: I looked down and thought, this isn’t bloody right!!
Peter Armstrong. Sometimes the Sound of an Iroquois Could Mean the Difference Between Life and Death
Ray Seaver: Korean War Fighter Pilot Extraordinaire
Squadron Leader (ret) Peter Bradford. Has a lot of Heart for Hueys
Brad Manera, War History Guru. Senior Historian and Curator, Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park, Sydney.
ANZAC Day 2022: Oratory
Wing Commander Huck Ennis DFC. Horses, Birddogs, Fighters
Captain Peter Collins, AM, RFD, QC, RANR, Leader of the Opposition in NSW Legislative Assembly 4 April 1995 to 8 December 1998.
Wing Commander (ret'd) Peter Bennetts - Air Traffic Control: A Vital Part of our Air Power Operability
A Hosed Down Pete Nuske: Last Flight Vietnam. An Air Force Man. of Many Talents and Many Adventures
the Hon David Elliott MP NSW Parliament. Minister Veterans Affairs and Transport
Al Taylor: Flying is in his Blood. Fighter Pilot Extraordinaire.
Wing Commander (ret) John Landale AFC: Maths Teacher. Top Shelf Helicopter Pilot. Systems Analyst
Pete Spurgin. A life of Variety. Fighter Combat Instructor. Malaysia, Thailand, Sinai, Careflight
Paul McLeod. Intelligence Officer. Lots of Angles to his Career.
Warrant Officer Ken Robertson. OAM. One of the Warrant Officer Catalysts that are so Important to Communication across All Ranks
Wing Commander (ret) Sandy Main. The Challenging, Exciting and Sometimes Dangerous Life of a Chopper Pilot.
Wing Commander (ret) Jack Lynch MBE. A Life of Front Line Aviation
“Dick” Cresswell DFC - 1920 to 2006. WW2 and Korean War Fighter Pilot
Wing Commander (retired) Ken Mitchell, DFC. He flew Big Beasts, Fast Beasts and Slower Little Beasts
Wing Commander Ruth Taylor: an extraordinary life in the Australian Air Force
David Robson. Fighter Pilot, Vietnam Veteran, Test Pilot, Author and Artist.
Richard Kelloway‘s Adventures: Sabres, Mirages, Birddogs and F111s, and others........
Bert Milne. Its just the way your Mum puts your hat on
David Pietsch AM. Fighter Pilot: Sabre. Mirage. F18.
Ken Semmler - Happy RAAF Veteran of Many Adventures, Now amongst the Grape Vines.
Bruce Mouatt. Fighter Combat Instructor and Bronco Forward Air Controller Vietnam
The Life of Norm Goodall. Fighters, Gunships, Around the World Sailor. Cattle Farmer. Motor Sport Competitor
Flight Sergeant Marion Hamilton: Loves an Adventure and Physical Challenges
Sergeant Paul Gallaway. Air Force Enthusiast and Motivated Technician
Phil Frawley. Guinness World Records: Oldest Active Fighter Pilot
My Life, My Air Force. Bernie Nebenfuhr
Fortunate Life. Steve Low. AM Fighter Pilot, Aerobatic Team, Farmer, Past Mayor of Dungog,
Barry Kelly. Highlights of a life: F18 Hornets , US Aircraft Carrier Pilot, Low Level Displays, Cathay Pacific and Wedgetails
Bronwyn Marchant - Public Affairs Office, Air Combat Group
Truckie Carr: High Points (and low) of My Flying Life.
Louise Burr. Australian Air Force Airfield (Civil) Engineer
Bob Redman CSC MID. Reflects on life in Vietnam, Flying Instruction and Test Pilot.
Sir Roden Cutler, VC, AK, KCMG, KCVO, CBE
John Quaife AM Air Vice Marshal (ret) Talks about Our Australian Air Force
John Stephens - Building a Replica Sopwith Camel
The Adventures of Bob Treloar AO - Huey and Fast Jet Driver
Leading Aircraftman Michael Crapella serving at 2 Operational Conversion Unit, Williamtown as an Aircraft Technician
Lesley Gent OAM - RAAF Family Energetic Wife
Wing Commander (ret) Matt Hall Fighter Pilot and Champion Red Bull Air Racer
Wing Commander Grant Burr - Still Flying at Supersonic Speeds and Still Loving It
John Kindler AO, AFC Air Vice Marshal (ret) - Ejected twice from Mirage aircraft; 1972 and 1982
Ron Haack- Moments in my life as a Air Force Test Pilot.
Sergeant Grant Biles - Hornet Aircraft Technician
Flight Lieutenant Em. F18 Fighter Pilot
WW2 Sister Joan LOUTIT, 2nd M.A.E.T.U. (Medical Air Evacuation Unit) R.A.A.F.
F-35A Lightning II Wing Commander Darren Clare
Wing Commander (ret) Jim Treadwell AFC OAM, Meteors, Sabres, Mirages.
A Chance in a Million - Related by Pete Ring & Col Tomlinson
Doctor Ron Houghton, WW 2 Bomber Pilot